Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Root 3 CNC - Endstop Breadboard

This is probably one of those cases where its best to start with a picture of the end state:

The endstops are fully connected and routing from the machine through a DB9.  The next task was to "unpack" the DB9 and get the signals to the RAMPS board.  The DB9 pinout is the following:

and the original schematic for an endstop is:

A smoothing capacitor was already mounted directly to the endstop (documented in previous post).  To complete the "normally closed" endstop hookup, the following steps remained:

  • unpack the signals from the DB9
  • add a pull-up resistor to the circuit
  • ground the cable shield/braid
  • route the signals to the RAMPS board 

The easiest way (for me, mileage may vary) to do this for each of the six endstops was to put together a small breadboard.  This took up a bit more space in my electronics drawer, but I liked the idea better than trying to cram everything inline around the cables (easier to maintain).  Each endstop would implement the following pattern, and the shield braids would be run to a common bus so that a single ground wire could be run to the RAMPS board:

Since the breadboad would have quite a few wires, I also designed a mount to keep the board stable.  The mount design was posted to Thingiverse.  The pictures below show a few snapshots of the construction.

3D Printed Breadboard Mount:

Mount with DB9 Breakouts Installed:

Solderable Breadboard found on Amazon:

Breadboard with pins and components installed:

DB9 interface cables:

Breadboard mounted and one inbound endstop cable installed:

All six inbound endstop cables installed:

Outbound cables for RAMPS endstop connections:

Outbound cables connect to RAMPS headers here:

Wiring strain relief designed and printed; file available on Thingiverse:

Outbound endstop wiring installed:

The completed setup (back to where this post started):

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