Saturday, March 17, 2018

Root 3 CNC - Outsourced Parts

My goal is to build as much of the CNC on my own as possible, but some pieces I needed to outsource.

The wood panels were outsourced for time.  Measuring/cutting/drilling all of those holes would have taken quite a long time, and was prone to error.  Instead I chose to purchase ready-made parts from the Root CNC store:

Front and rear X-carriage Z plate (pre-installed rivet nuts)

I also needed to outsource the X-Axis Box Section Mount, as my Lulzbot Mini just didn't have a the required surface area to print the part.  Since this part is load bearing, I was also a bit hesitant about attempting to split the part into smaller sections.  I purchased the parts through:

and was very happy with the results.

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