Sunday, April 15, 2018

Root 3 CNC - Installing the X-Axis Belt Mount

Relevant official documentation can be found at:

For preparing the X-Axis box section mount to receive the bars, the following parts were used:
  • 1x X-Axis Panel Assembly
  • 2x 3D Printed Parts
  • 4x M4 x 50mm screws (0.7mm threads)
  • 8x M4 washers
  • 4x M4 nylon lock nuts
  • 4x M3 x 50mm screws (0.5mm threads)
  • 8x M3 washers
  • 4x M3 nylon lock nuts

The M4 screws go through the outer bores, and the M3 screws through the inner bores. Tighten the screws, but not all the way, as the timing belt is not yet installed.

Repeat this process for the other panel.

Root 3 CNC - Upgrading the X-Axis 3mm Belt Mount

While looking through online sources, many people hand-cut a notch in the X-Axis 3mm Belt Mount in order to simplify belt-tightening.  Rather than cut into the exist part, measurements were taken from the provided STL file and a modified version was created.  The modified file can be found on Thingiverse.

Comparing the two parts:

The new part is on the left.  A notch has been added for the timing belt, as well as a few other minor changes.  All edges have been rounded, and the right side opening narrowed a bit to get the M3 screw holes a bit further from the edge.  The final part can be seen below.

Building a Lulzbot Mini OctoPrint Server

There are numerous sources online that document the process of building/setting-up an OctoPrint Server, so I will not duplicate that here.  This will instead just document a number of links and settings specific to my rig using a Lulzbot Mini.  Note that for my use, I am not slicing on the Octoprint Server;  I continue to use Cura locally for slicing, and simply print to Octoprint vice printing directly to the device.  This limits the amount of configuration required to use Octoprint.

Hardware Components:

Software Components:

OctoPrint OS Distro for Raspberry Pi

Lulzbot Mini Settings

The following images document the OctoPrint profile in use for the Lulzbot Mini: